Saturday, July 10, 2010

Back in the Studio again!

Finally made it back into the Studio with an idea in mind! The Newt Boy 2! I know, he does look like the other guy, but they are related after all. Some people say that if you've seen one newt you've seen them all. I don't think so. This guy is smaller and his tail is a whopper. Plus, he is younger and awfully cute.I have an idea that I hope to execute in the next couple of months. My goal is to enter this piece in the Saul Bell Award contest that is coming up in September. Watch for more details.
I have sculpted this guy from Premo Polymer Clay and just finished baking him. The next step is to make a mold and then assemble another box. This one will have a new twist to it. More on that later. Maybe I can even make my earrings from this guy after all!
It was interesting to see just how quickly this boy came together. I have about 3 hours into him. Compare that with the weeks I put into sculpting the first guy. Back when I was working on my Jeweler's Certificate in Linda Weis's SRJC Jewelry Class we had an assignment that she called "multiples". It was a great learning experience. We were to make a piece of jewelry and then make multiples of it. The assignment was designed to show us just how much time the first piece would take and how the following multiples would take just a fraction of that time. This piece really illustrated just that!
Think about that when you've worked so hard on a piece only to drop it or break it. The next piece will be only that much easier to make and the one after that even easier. You can take an idea and improve on it over and over without the initial struggle.

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